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Kilter is circus on the knife edge of equilibrium, a collaboration with ORCHA.

An installation of circus, light, and sound

To stand on a rope you don’t balance yourself over it – you pull the rope underneath you. You don’t find your balance, you fight for it, continuously. Inspired by Albert Camus’ essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, Kilter draws on the physics and mechanics of circus to give the audience an appreciation of the rich semantic web of how circus relates to life: the balance in motion, tipping points, clarity in focus, and the precariousness of being still in turbulence.

Kilter features live music performed by Melbourne’s violinist beatsmith, ORCHA. Somewhere adrift between worlds of neoclassical composition and downbeat electronica, ORCHA has created a universe of unique sounds made entirely by the violin, nestled together with his luminescent vocal style, rich beats and a moody ambience.

Celebrating the fragility of putting one foot in front of the other, Kilter is a brave new work at the cutting edge of contemporary circus.

Performed by
Charice Rust, Jonathan Morgan and ORCHA

Lighting Design
John Collopy

Running time 30mins – customisable to outdoor and indoors settings.
Full technical requirements available on request.